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Oct 23, 2003
Match #1: Cyrus vs. Brock Lesnar #1 Contendership For The Hardcore Championship Well This Match was a classic. It was the Return Match of one of the UWCW greats Cyrus Former holder of The TV, Hardcore, Six Man, and World Tag Team Championships. Cyrus would come down to the ring looking for a fight. Well he got one Brock Lesnar gave the Veteran and Fight. The Two men would be going at head to head the entire match. The Dominator of the match would change 7 different time. But Cyrus would get the final upper hand and take it to Brock the way no has ever Taken it to him before. During the last moments of the Match an Unknown Fan would come running out from the back down to the ring. He would get into to the Ring and Start attacking Cyrus, Brock would join this Unknown man in the Attack and the Two of them would beat Cyrus down. This Mystery Man would nail Cyrus with a Finisher and then Turn on Brock and nail him with The Same Finisher, at this Point New Comer Chris Angel the Fallen Angel would Come to Cyrus's aid. The Mystery Man would run out of the ring and head into the Crowd just as Angel was about to pounce on him. Brock Not nailed as bad with The Mystery Mans finisher would try to go for the the Pin but Angel would have none of the and he would attack Brock. Angel would nail Brock with The Supernatural. He Then would pull Cyrus over Brock and the Ref would drop down for the 3 count. 1......2......3! And Your Winner is Cyrus. Match #1: Rhuid Vs. Scorpion in a Number One Contenders Spot for The TV Title. This Match was one awesome match both Rhuid and Scorpion would be at each others Throats. The two men would be equals the entire match until Scorpion would Pull out a Bikers Chain that was under the ring and play as if he was hurt laying outside of the ring. Rhuid would go outside the ring to try and get a few good shots in on Scorpion to stop and restart the ten count. The Ref would run over to the ropes on the side of the ring that Rhuid is attacking Scorpion. The Once again the Mystery man would come rung out of nowhere and he would jump up on the ring and distract the Ref. Scorpion would take this opportunity and full on punch Rhuid in the head with the Biker chain splitting the new Comer open. But The Mystery Man would Make a Mistake and stand on the side of the ring the Ruthless tron screen could be seen and the Ref would catch Scorpion hitting Rhuid in the head with the Chain. The Ref would ring the bell and DQ Scorpion. But that would not stop him form continuing to attack Rhuid. The Mystery Man would nail the Ref with a stunner off the rope sending the ref down to the mat hard. Then The Mystery Man would start attacking Rhuid as well. Then The TV Champion Tyrant would come run down to the ring and at first it look like he was going to help out Rhuid be he to would turn on and attack Rhuid as well. Now Rhuid would have Three men beating on him. Tyrant would tell Scorpion and the Mystery Man to get and set him up a Table of course they would as Tyrant is bashing oh Rhuid. Scorpion and The Mystery man would set the table up in the ring and then they would go back outside of the ring and start to beat on Rhuid again. The Three men would Toss Rhuid in the Ring then Tyrant would Climb in the ring and Grab Rhuid as he would single for his Finisher The Ride To Hades' and he would then put Rhuid Through The Table So Hard That Rhuid would almost go through the ring. Right as The Three men were about to get another Table and put Rhuid Through it The Rest of The Lost Souls would come running down to the ring and Try to attack Tyrant, Scorpion, and The Mystery Man But the Three of them would get out of the ring just in as Scythe would Hit The Ring and Grab at them. Scythe would just Miss Tyrant as he dove through the ropes. The Three attacker of Rhuid would make it to and through the Crowd as the would stand up in a Club Box and jion hands and Raise their hands in Victory. Scythe, Angel, and Cyrus would try to get through the Crowd as Corax would check on Rhuid but The Lost would be to cut off to get at Tyrant and his Goons. Corax would Demand a mic and he would say this words. Corax: Tyrant You Bastard how Dare you attack one of the Lost Souls with you Fucking Goons Scorpion and who ever the Fuck that Mystery man is! I Challenge your sorry asses to a Team Stable Survivor Series Type match at the MONTHS! PPV! So Why Don't you Find to more men and Take My Challenge. Or Are You Afraid To Lose Your SOULS! Tyrant would some how get a hold of a mic and say these words. Tyrant: Corax you want Scorpion, The Mystery Man, and Myself to meat you in a stable match. Corax: YES! Tyrant: YOU GOT IT BITCH! AT NOVEMBER FEST! Ruthless Aggression would go to a Commercial Brake. But would soon come back with the First Main Event of The Night. Match #3: The Red Hook Thugs VS. Team Inferno For The Hardcore Tag Team Belts. This would be one heel of a match as Tyrant would come back to the ring with his long Time Tag Team Partner Bastian. Then The Challengers The Red Hook Thugs would Come out to the Ring with a Man By The Name of Thrash. The Two Team would be at each others throats at the begining of the match. Team inferno would get four close calls to retaining their Belts. But half way through the Match Thrash would get Involved and nail both Team Inferno with two Devastating Power Bombs Taking them both out. But Tyrant would some how get out of the ring and Make a Run For it up the ramp with both Hardcore Tag Team Belts of curse Razor and Chainz would take off up the ramp after Tyrant. But they would be to Late as Corax and Angel would come out of the Back and Take Tyrant out. As the Two of them attack Tyrant The Thugs would sit back and watch. Then Angel would Lock Tyrant up in a Move he Likes To call The Fallen Soul and Throw Tyrant over the Side of the Stage send him crashing down trough some tables the were 10 feet below the stage. Tyrant would be knock to hell and out. Then Razor would run down to were Tyrant is laying and pin him. The Ref would run over to the two as The Lost Souls would look down upon their victim as he is pined for the three count. The Winner of this Match and New Hardcore Tag Team Champions The ed Hook Thugs. Match #4: Bloodstone & Zeleos VS. Insane Clown Posse #1 Contendership For The Harcore Tag Team Championships This Match would be a Full on Slaughter as Bloodstone and Zeleos would just control the entire match over the Insane Clown Posse. Zeleos would rip through Both Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. But there would be on part of the match were the Insane Clown Posse would almost win as Violent J would Take a Steel Chair to Zeleos's face Knocking him out cold. But Bloodstone would quickly get into the Ring and start Taking on both the Insane Clown Posse. While Bloodstone was fighting off the Clowns The Rest of the Carnival would come running out and attack Bloodstone. Bloodstone would start fighting off all of The Dark Carnival but Kronos would get a Devastating blow in on Bloodstone as he takes and actual Table to Bloodstone head. The Table would Shatter and Bloodstone would go down just as Zeleos would come two. Zeleos would Play Dead as The ICP would try and go for a Pin as the Dark Carnival would exit the ring. As soon as they were out of the ring Zeleos would Kick Flip to his feet as blood gushes down his head. He would walk ove to Shaggy and Snatch him by his Throat as Zeleos Just seem to Snap he nails Shaggy with not one, not two, not three, But Four Choke Slams. Violent J would try to get the Better of Zeleos by once again trying to nail the big man with the steel chair but instead he would get a taste of Zeleos big foot knock his own as out with the chair. Zeleos would then once again grab Shaggy by the thraot but this time Zeleos would do a cuth throat motion across his own throats as if to say it all over and he would nail shaggy with Three Eternal Sufferings and Take Shaggy out for good. But The Dark Carnival would come running back to the ring and attack Zeleos. Bloodstone some what getting his bearings and crawl over and lay his had across Violent J's chest for the Pin. Mean while Zeleos would once again fight of the Dark Carnavil. But no Matter what the Dark Carnival could not stop Zeleos and Bloodstone from winner. The Ref would do a Three count on Violent J and Zeleos and Bloodstone would win. Assamite not liking this would once again attack Zeleos Taking his Hardcore Title across Z man's head Taking The big Man down and off his Feet for good. Assamite would then tell the Rest of the Dark Carnival to get ICP out of the ring and they would all head to the back ass Assamite stands over Zeleos just Luaghing his ass off then he speaks to Zeleos. Assamite: Zeleos Scythe is the Last Fucking man you should worry about. Why Becuase I have Taking your ass out twice now in the Last week and Come this Sunday at Slaughter House Sunday Night I'll be Taking your ass out again. Z I your worts and most Deadliest Enemy. Can you surbive me? Once again Assamite attack Zeleos with his Belt splitting Z open even worse. But Bloodstone would Get to his feet and Grabs Assamite by the Throat and get ready to nail Assamite with a Choke Slam But Zeleos would sit up and looks at Both Bloodstone and Assamite with murder in his eyes. Bloodstone goes to Take Assamite out But Zeleos shake his head no and Bloodstone lets Assamite go who gets the hell out of the ring as fast as he can. Bloodstone would looks at Zeleos and the to would get and evil grin and looks at Assamite run away. Bloodstone would the Looks at Zeleos and drop to one knee and hold one and out for forgiveness as he lowers his head. Zeleos Just looks at Bloodstone and Drops to one knees as well and holds his hand out as well. Then The Two Big Men would get hold holding each other's hands in Victory. Then Mr. Deile would come out from the back with a mic and speak into it. Mr. Deile: Zeleos and Bloodstone That was one damn good match. You two worked very well togeather. So Damn well as of right now You two are a permanent Tag Team. And I'm welcome to Round Two in the Tournament for the World Tag Team Championships. So good luck. And You Better keep me happy. Mr. Deile then turns around and heads to the Back as the show come to and end. |