Matches Of The UWCW

  Match Name  Match Rules  Match Description
The Death Chamber











Rule 1: To win this match you must.

A: Pin or make your opponent summit, or

B: Either Put your opponent through a Table. Or

C: Your Opponent gets Put Through a Table by One of The Enforce within the Death Chamber.

Rule 2: Around the The Ring there will be weapons that you can use. But You Must First Get Through The Enforce to get a weapon. But if either opponent tries to get a weapon they are Fair game for any and all The Death Chambers Enforcers.

Rule 3: There is no DQ you can do what ever the hell you want.

Rule 4: You can take the fight out side around and on top of the Death Chamber but if you try this you are once again fair game and any if not all the Enforcers can attack you.


The Match is held in and Hell in The Cell type cage. Hooked to the side are weapons. Around the Ring there are Enforcers that work as Lumber Jacks. 

The Death Chamber match does not just take please in the Chamber. The Opponents can Take it to around outside of the Chamber but the Enforcers can now attack them and Beat them up and cause them to lose the match. The Opponents can it to the top of the Chamber but they need to watch out for the trap doors in witch they can fall through.

This Match has been know to End Careers.

Royal Rumble Rule #1: The only way you can win this match is by tossing all your Opponents over the top rope. And if you the last man in the ring you are the winner. This is the same match you see the WWE hold every year.

There can be any where form 12 to 30 wrestlers in this match.

Battle Royal Rule #1: The ways you can win this match are;

A: Pin or make you opponent summit

B: Toss you opponents over the top ropes.

C: Full on Knock your Opponent with you Finisher.

Rule #2: If any Opponents has some interfere on there behalf then that opponent is DQ.


This Match is much like the Royal with a few added things.

Also the number of Opponents in this match are less instead of having 12 to 30+ men. This match only has 4 to 10 opponents.

Death Row Match



















Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: To win this match and Eliminate your opponents you must either win or Eliminate by;

A. Pin Fall

B. Summation

C. Knock out by Finisher or weapon

D. Get up the Ladder and Grab the Belt or Belts on the line.

E.  Put your opponents through some Tables

Rule #2: You Must get to the Trigger Lever's of each area to advance to the next stage of the match.

To advance To;

Lever 2 from Level 1: You must get over to the ladder switch witch will be in one of the corners of the First Cage.

Level 3 from level 2: You Must fight your way through the Third Cage above the first two Cages and Find The Trap Door switch witch opens and Trap door that has a ladder attach to it down to Cage number 2. But you must fight your way over to this switch.

Level 4 from Level 3: You must fight it out in the second Cage that is over the Second ring. The Cage has a part on it somewhere that you can bust through to get to the top and Final Level of Death Row where you will have the Chance to win the match and the Title or Titles hanging over the Death Row Structure. 

Rule #3: When and if you or your opponents get up to the Final Ring the Match Becomes a TLC match and the only way anyone can win the match form here on out is to use a chair to an opponents head, put them through a table and get up the ladder and get the championship belt or belts

The Death row match has four rings and Three Cages in it.

The First two Cages go over the first Two Regular size Rings that are set up on the arena floor.

The Third cage is on top of the First two Cages. Inside the third Cage is the Third ring witch in much larger then the first two ring.

On Top of the Third Cage is the Fourth ring witch is just a bit smaller the The regular rings. When the Opponents get to this ring the match ends in a Ladder match for what ever Title or Titles are on the line.

To get through the Death Row match the wrestlers must first start in the first ring and cage. The wrestler have to fight there way up to the next level of the match.

Then They must fight their way out of the third cage down to the Second Cage where they must fight their way over two a robe ladder witch goes all the way to the fourth and Finale ring.

Ultimate Chair Shot Survival Match Rules for the match are:

Rule #1: This Match can only be won If you knock Your opponent out for a 10 count.

Rule #2: There are !NO RULES! other then rule one.

Ultimate Chair Shot Survival Match is held in a Hell In the Cell Type Cage that has Chairs attached to it.

This Match can be one of if not the bloodiest match in the U.W.C.W.

This match can either be for a final match in a Rival or it can be a Title.

Grave Yard Match Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: To win this match you must;

A. Get your opponent into a Casket.

B. Then you Must Bury them Alive.

Rule #2: Weapons are Welcome and Required to be able to win this match.

Rule #3: There Is No DQ.

This Match is held in an actual Grave Yard somewhere in the Middle of nowhere, or There will be a Mock Grave Yard made either in the Back of the area in a parking Lot area or the Mock Grave Yard will be set up in the arena in a designated area.

This Match has been known to be one of the Bloodiest No Rules matches held in the U.W.C.W.

Many Wrestler careers have been ended in this match. Many of those Careers ended by the two master of this match Scythe and Zeleos.

Any Wrestler who signs on for one of this matches put is career in the hands of his opponent and vice versa.  

No Way Out Match Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: to win this match you must pin or make all your opponents Tap.

Rule #2: After Someone is Pin they Get to Stay in the match and Attack all their opponents to try and stop them from winning. but Eventually there will be a winner. 

Rule #3: Weapons are Welcomed.

This Match is held is a Hell in the Cell like Cage that has absolutely no way out until you beat all your opponents.

This Match is he most Brutal of all matches held in the U.W.C.W and has actually end wrestlers lives in the pass, that is why anyone who enters this match must sign a Release form so if they do die it is the the Federations fault.

This Match is Made to be for Federation Championship only and must and never will be held for anything else.

Street Fight Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: There are no Rules other then the ones below.

Rule #2: To Win this match you must either totally take your opponent or opponents out by Knocking them out, or pin or make them summit 

Rule #3: Weapons are Welcome.

This match is like it title says its a street fight where there can only be one single man winner or a winning Tag team.
Biker Boy Street Fight Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: There are no Rules other then the ones below.

Rule #2: To Win this match you must;

A. Either totally take your opponent or opponents out by Knocking them out, or pin or make them summit.

B. If your opponent or Opponents run a biker can beat them down and pin them. But you get the win.

Rule #3: Weapons are Welcome.

Rule #4: You may not try and run from this fight or the ring of bikers the surround you get to beat you up and any of them can pin you as well as your opponent or opponents.

This Match is a bit deferent then and actual street fight. The Biker Boy Street Fight is held out in a Parking lot or ally that has a bunch of Bikers surrounding the opponents in the match. If any of the contender try to run the bikers get to beat the shit out of them.

There can only be one man or tag team that is the winner of the fight.

Inferno Match Rules for this match are:

Rule #1: You Must Set your opponent or opponents on fire.

Rule #2: Other then the Top Rule there are no rules.

 The Inferno Match is just like the one That You See Them do in the WWE one in a while.

The Ropes of the Ring are set on fire. The only way to win this type of match is by setting your opponent of fire but watch out you might set yourself on fire and you would lose.

  Rules for this match are:

Rule #1:

Rule #2:

Rule #3:

  Rules for this match are:

Rule #1:

Rule #2:

Rule #3:

  Rules for this match are:

Rule #1:

Rule #2:

Rule #3:

  Rules for this match are:

Rule #1:

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Rule #3:

  Rules for this match are:

Rule #1:

Rule #2:

Rule #3: